Foolproof Foundation for Marriage

Lifelong love begins with a solid foundation. Is yours built to last?

Brick by Brick – Building a Lifetime of Love

The first questions I ask in a therapy session with any couple is, "How did you two first meet? What were your first impressions? What stood out?" You can probably guess the wide range of stories I hear when a couple begins to tell their story. Ultimately, regardless of their first impressions and moments, they…

How to Approach the Holidays as Husband and Wife

Let me be completely honest for a minute. I absolutely love the season we are entering into (minus the super freezing cold). I love everything about it - family, friends, gatherings, the laughs, the smells, the food, making memories - everything. This is always a time of reflection, purpose and joy.  But... Unfortunately, not all…

Betrayed: How to Address Your Spouse After an Affair

Discovering that your spouse has been unfaithful can potentially be the most devastating thing that one could ever experience in a marriage. Regardless of the context or nature of the affair, in most cases, it is extremely difficult to know how to handle the cascade of thoughts and feelings that follow such a discovery.The good…

Become a Master in Managing Conflict with just 4 Steps

Finding yourselves stuck in the same conflict over and over again? Stop spinning your wheels. Try these 4 steps and be on your way to becoming a master of managing conflict!

Q-Tip Challenge: The Power of Choice

You may be wondering... What in the world is the "Q-Tip Challenge?" It begins with a story. In June of 2014 my wife and I stated our vows and said "I do." After our incredible honeymoon in the Dominican Republic, we both came home to a clean apartment, -$150 in our bank account and many,…

Column: Two Types of Marital Conflict

Commentary by Logan Everett Read original column at the Current in Carmel. Couples fight. This is not new information for most, but what do couples really fight about? Answer? Absolutely nothing. When it comes to conflict in relationships, there are two different types: solvable and perpetual Solvable issues have a clear beginning and a clear, concrete, definitive…

Column: The Science of Marriage

See original column at the Current in Carmel. Commentary by Logan Everett What if science could determine if your marriage would succeed or fail with over 90 percent accuracy? Skepticism would be welcomed, but let science speak for itself. Dr. John Gottman started his research with couples more than 40 years ago when he invited couples to…

Traits to Look for in Couples and Marriage Therapist

As I have worked with couples in private-practice, I have noticed a couple things about couples who come in and see me: They have never once considered therapy and have no idea what to expect. They have had awful experiences with therapists/counselors in the past. While the first can be expected, I want to eliminate…

The Art of Compromise: How to Handle the Most Difficult Issues in Relationships

How many times does it feel like you're preparing for battle or you feel like you get dropped in the middle of "war zone" every time a conflict comes up? You may know it is coming and have your defenses up and ready, but other times it hits you like a big left hook and…