Marriage Beyond Social Distancing

Many of us throughout the last several months have been adapting to new normals that seem to change every other week. Whether your day to day and week to week has seen little change or your entire life, livelihood and well-being has been turned upside down - our world has changed. The Beginning - Staying…

Foolproof Foundation for Marriage

Lifelong love begins with a solid foundation. Is yours built to last?

The Gentle Solution to Conflict

Are you wondering if your fights will ever be solved? Stop spinning your wheels and finally get to the bottom of your conflicts.

Brick by Brick – Building a Lifetime of Love

The first questions I ask in a therapy session with any couple is, "How did you two first meet? What were your first impressions? What stood out?" You can probably guess the wide range of stories I hear when a couple begins to tell their story. Ultimately, regardless of their first impressions and moments, they…

To the Woman Who Made Me a Father

Father’s Day is a great, but I wouldn’t be the father I am today without one very special woman... Watching you become a mother was nothing short of amazing. How proud I was to watch you meticulously and so selflessly change your lifestyle for months. How impressed I was (and still am) that you carried…

How to Approach the Holidays as Husband and Wife

Let me be completely honest for a minute. I absolutely love the season we are entering into (minus the super freezing cold). I love everything about it - family, friends, gatherings, the laughs, the smells, the food, making memories - everything. This is always a time of reflection, purpose and joy.  But... Unfortunately, not all…

How Flooding Effects Marriage

While at home your spouse walks into the room, makes a statement and asks a question. You've heard this before, you know this isn't going to be a good conversation. You instantly feel tense, worried, scared, or helpless. The conversation continues and the negative tone heightens and the rate of words increases. There's a question,…

Infidelity and Trauma

The experience of going through infidelity (or any kind of betrayal) is the very definition of trauma. The very upsetting, confusing, surprising, scary event shakes most individuals to their very core and leaves a devestating wound that may take years to heal. Some may understand that this is a traumatic event, but few understand the…

Make Life Dreams Come True

How many of you grew up in a home where you were truly allowed to thrive? I’m talking about when you set out on your bike and really explored - when you listened to the entire soundtrack of “Toy Story” in your underwear creating a story filled with tragedy, hope and redemption - when you…

Emotional Communication

Learn the art of an emotionally intelligent conversation to take everyday conversations and create new connections, deeper connections, and stronger relationships.