Q-Tip Challenge: The Power of Choice

You may be wondering... What in the world is the "Q-Tip Challenge?" It begins with a story. In June of 2014 my wife and I stated our vows and said "I do." After our incredible honeymoon in the Dominican Republic, we both came home to a clean apartment, -$150 in our bank account and many,…

7 Steps Towards a Better Marriage (Part 3)

Read Part 1 & Part 2 of this three part series before continuing below. The two previous articles give us a foundation for relationships and marriages as we move to our final steps to having a deeper, more intimate connection and marriage with the person that we love the most. Over this past weekend I was…

Column: Relationships: Maintaining intimacy in marriage

Don't press the "autopilot" button on your intimacy in your marriage. Follow these steps to maintaining intimacy for a lifetime of love.

Column: Preparing before the ‘Plunge’

Original Post in Current in fishers - Premarital counseling is an important factor for a happy and fulfilling marriage. Everybody deserves a happy and healthy marriage. What steps can you take today?

Preparing for Marriage

Christian Counseling in Indianapolis, Indiana with Groff & Associates providing professional and affordable care for those in need. Logan Everett is a licensed marriage and family therapist associate working with couples and parents in the Indianapolis area.

Leaving Your Legacy

Before I put on my tux and my wife slipped into her dress, I thought it would be a great sentiment to purchase a Bible for us both. I knew I would be able to customize it to say, "Logan & Jessie June 27, 2014." After it was completed, I looked at the Bible and…

“Today, I feel __________.”

Today I was told something very interesting. A young man talking with me stated, "I don't feel feelings." Acting surprised I continued to ask more questions, however, he honestly believed he did not feel any type of emotion. After some dialogue - he changed his mind about those "feelings" he "didn't feel." Maybe you are…

From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Take a moment. Right now -- and ask yourself, "What makes me extraordinary?" So many of us think of ourselves as ordinary, average, typical, or simply boring. Again - think, "What makes me extraordinary?" The subject of "me" can go in a lot of different directions. One thinks about their 9 to 5 job that…

Radical Together

An encouraging word every single day can make any day turn around in an instant. Unfortunately, I do not always have the time (or energy) to open up my laptop and write a formal encouraging word of the day every single day, however, most of us possess a book (sometimes multiple and in many versions)…

Finding “New Hope”

A large amount of this post was influenced by a sermon I heard a few days ago. The words that Louie Giglio has in his new series, "Hope Has a Name" seems to fit in perfectly with how I see myself in my own practice as a marriage and family therapist associate. I listened to…