In a previous article, we discussed God’s plan and purpose for marriage:

  •  Mutually Complete One Another
  • Multiply a Godly Legacy
  • Mirror God’s Image

If you have not read the previous article, I would encourage you to start reading by clicking here.

While there are several things that we continue to learn as we pursue the list above, we must realize that we are creating an environment for our marriage and for our children that must withstand the challenges and hardships that many couples face during their marriage. This requires commitment, a blueprint given to us by God’s Word.

The word commitment can send a lot of people running for safety. If you were to describe the world’s blueprints for marriage, it would most likely be called, “the half and half relationship.” Most people believe, “If I do my part and she does hers – we will meet each other halfway.” While this may sound reasonable, it does not take the unreasonable expectations we have into account. It also does not assume the natural selfishness we all bring into a relationship. Fortunately, God’s Word offers a better plan. We will look at 2 different Biblical commitments that create a solid foundation for your marriage. After each commitment, will be a question to ponder as you move forward:

  •  Commitment #1: Receive Your Spouse – In the book of Genesis, God created “woman” from Adam’s rib. When Adam saw Eve for the very first time, he knew nothing about her, yet was so excited because he knew she was from God. Adam focused on God’s perfect character. He knew God, and he knew God could be trusted. It was this faith that allowed Adam to receive Eve as God’s provision for him. In your marriage you must receive your spouse in the same way. Will you unconditionally accept the good and bad you already know and will come to know and maintain an attitude of continual acceptance throughout your marriage?
  • Commitment #2: Leave Your Parents – Genesis 2:24 states, “Therefore a man must leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Just as the doctor cuts the umbilical cord from the baby to the mother, so we all must cut the cord of dependency and allegiance from our parents. We cannot rely (or depend) on our parents for material or emotional support and our loyalty (or allegiance) needs to be towards our spouse. We always need to honor our parents, but if we do not “leave” them as Genesis states, we undermine the independence we need to build as husbands and wives in our own homes and families. What does “cutting the cord of dependency and allegiance” mean for you and your spouse?

In part 3, we will continue to discuss the last 2 commitments included in God’s blueprints for marriage. Take a moment to contemplate the commitments listed above and what they mean for you and your spouse or you and your family.

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